Easy Garlic Chili Oil Noodles in 10 Minutes - AfterCuriosity

Easy Garlic Chili Oil Noodles in 10 Minutes

Easy Chili Oil Noodles infused with earthy garlic and spicy homemade red chili oil. Vibrant flavors abound in this noodle recipe with a spicy kick, creating a dish that’s both comforting and exhilarating in only 10 minutes.


Enhance your life with these spicy garlic chili oil noodles, the quick dinner solution to boring noodle recipes. Imagine noodles bathed in a fiery concoction of garlic and chili, so deliciously addictive you’ll be licking the bowl (don’t worry, we won’t judge). Just grab a large pot of water and a handful of ingredients and these spicy chili oil noodles with delightful flavors will be ready in no time.