Fluffy Mashed Potatoes – Tara Teaspoon - AfterCuriosity

Fluffy Mashed Potatoes – Tara Teaspoon

Fluffy mashed potatoes melt in your mouth and are easy to make with just four ingredients. While you can use a potato ricer, no ricer is needed to make these potatoes extra smooth. After testing all of my pro tips, these potatoes really are perfect every single time.

Like little clouds on your plate. That’s what the perfect mashed potatoes taste like. I wanted to find the best way to make fluffy mashed potatoes easily at home that taste just like a fancy restaurant.

The result of my potato research efforts paid off, I have exciting pro tips to share with you so that you can have always have the creamiest potatoes at the table.

bowl of mashed potatoes with butter on a linen covered table.